Business Advisory Service for Accountants
A complete service process for you and your customers

The business advice service has been specially developed for accountants. Accountants have traditionally had good hands in being the business partner of the entrepreneur. The moment around the annual figures is an excellent opportunity to bring the figures to life and to take an integral look at the organization together with the customer and to gain insight into improvement. In this area, the client increasingly expects added value and pro-activity from the accountant. This tendency is so strong that even national radio advertisements are now responding to the lack of proactivity on the part of accountants. Practice is unruly, because due to staff shortages, work pressure and lack of time, this need is not met by many accountancy firms. To solve this problem, BiiC has developed the Business Advisory Service.

Increase your customer value without straining your team.

As a subcontractor of accountants, our focus is on efficiently and affordably organizing high-quality, comprehensible integral business analyzes with impact. Analyzes that the accountant and her client can use smartly in addition to the annual figures, with the aim of making the organization stronger, solving problems and capitalizing on opportunities. Without burdening the accountant's scarce time.

Partly due to the changing world and digitization, it is also a precondition for advice to put yourself in the shoes of entrepreneurs, employees and customers and to look at their company from a holistic perspective. A concrete insight into the future adds a lot of value to the annual report and the professionalism of the accountant.

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Strengthen your team with the deployment of flexible business advisors.

BiiC offers a complete unburdening process for the accountant. In this way, BiiC, as a service provider, makes it possible to offer integrated business advice for every account office. And that for a very affordable investment.

The Business Advice Service is based on the use of the Business Indicator© The Indicator is a new integrated business analysis tool. It offers the opportunity to take a new step in proactively advising customers in a smart way, to look forward instead of backward, to visualize the potential for the business of customers. And quickly and effectively see what's going on, where it's happening and why it's happening. The Business Indicator increases the quality, support and success of changes and is applicable to any company.
In addition, the indicator enhances both the internal expertise and the attractiveness of the accountancy firm, as well as the added value for clients.

The benefits for your consultancy practice
  • Gain integrated insight quickly and efficiently
  • Expanding the annual report with a business advice indicator for the customer
  • Limited burden on your office: full
  • BiiC support behind the scenes.
  • Flexible deployment/hiring senior management consultant (in preparation or on location)
  • New acquisition opportunities (also within existing portfolio)
  • Additional / Recurring Sales
    Increasing the attractiveness of the office for new and existing staff
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Discover the targeted solutions for your consultancy practice

Early Indicator

Quick and easy sample


Business Indicator

Compact research, high level insight in main issues


Commercial Focus MRI

Focus on market / customers


HR Focus MRI

Focus on employees / labor market


Digital Focus MRI

Focus on digitalization requiirements and starting point


Business MRI

Integrated 360° business analysis -combination of all solutions

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